Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Stem Cell Research Gets My Vote

I was listening to my favorite late night show Coast to Coast AM . Tonight they had a gentleman,Mr. Charles Ostman who touched on the importance of stem cell research.

Stem cell research already had my vote but he just reinforced my already supported beliefs.

I spoke to both him and Mr. George Noory while on the air and asked about what promises stem cell research has to offer those with cystic fibrosis.

Being that our little guy Kai has CF. I wanted to know since I have heard so much about stem cell research as well as gene therapy. Being that he's not a medical doctor, he did mention that stem cell research has the capability to repair damaged cells. He wasn't familiar with CF but after tonight he at least has heard of it.

I was terribly honored to be talking to George Noory and his guest.

Thank you to Coast to Coast for having such a wonderful program.

PS- The gentleman that answered my call was very very kind and I enjoyed his conversation. He really likes my name. Said it's one of the prettiest he's ever heard and he hears a lot. No doubt if he's getting C2C's calls! Thank you! I didn't catch his name but he sounded quite nice! (He called back just now and his name is Tommy! Thank you Tommy for you-know-what!)